Newsletter Advertising
AGGA publishes a newsletter 4 times per year:
- Winter (Submission deadline Jan 1)
- Spring (Submission deadline Apr 1)
- Summer (Submission deadline Jul 1)
- Fall (Submission deadline Oct 1)
Classified Ads:
- Free classified ads for members
- Non-members pay $45.00/issue for up to 25 words.
Display Ads:
- Ad to be supplied in PDF or jpg format.
- Rate is per issue.
- Display ads are available to all members in all categories and to non-members but NOT non-member greenhouse growers.
MEMBERS (per issue)
NON-MEMBERS (per issue)
Business Card
1/4 page
1/2 page
Full page
- Membership and/or payment will be verified with administration prior to ad placement. Please note web files must be in digital format, if they need to be converted charges will apply.
- AGGA accepts cheques, Visa or MasterCard as payment. Cheques & money orders may be mailed to the office and if your payment method is credit card, you must call the office with details.
Ad Size Specs
Business Card 3.5″x2″
1/4 page 3.5″x4.8″
1/2 page 7.5″x4.8″
Full page 7.5″x10″
Classified Ads
List it in our newsletter!
Members may advertise FREE in this section of the quarterly newsletter, non-members will be charged $45.00 for ads up to 25 words in length. This newsletter goes to members only.
To place your ad in the newsletter or elsewhere with AGGA, please contact administration.